Nachrichten: Eurodoc

Vacancies in Eurodoc

Posted on: By: Claudia S. Dobrinski

The board of Eurodoc announces the following calls for expression of interest for a number of volunteer positions in Eurodoc administration, as representatives of Eurodoc in various European level organisations, and as experts. Applications should be submitted to the administrative board of Eurodoc at board [at] eurodoc [dot] net (board[at]eurodoc[dot]net) by August 15th 2024.

Eurodoc and MCAA joint statement zur Situation in der Ukraine

Posted on: By: Rene Krempkow

Eurodoc und die Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) haben ein Joint Statement zur Situation in der Ukraine formuliert, über wir Euch hier informieren möchten. Wenn Ihr dies unterstützen möchtet, dann teilt es gern in Euren Freundeskreisen und Netzwerken.

--> Pressemitteilung von Eurodoc

Eurodoc Survey on Publishing in Open Science for Early Career Researchers

Posted on: By: Axel Gürtler

Later this year, the European Commission will launch 'Open Research Europe' (ORE), an Open Access Publishing Platform for Horizon 2020 beneficiaries. ORE will offer rapid publication of a wide range of article types without editorial bias. All articles will benefit from transparent peer review and will be published under an open license. ORE is a significant step towards Open Science in Europe.