The ReMO COST Action is conducting a survey Sustainable Working Conditions in Academia Survey (STAIRCASE), and has asked for Eurodoc’s support and help with a final round of distribution. The STAIRCASE is a Europe wide survey which you can find here. They need data to propose evidence-based interventions, and the aim of the STAIRCASE Survey is to identify factors that promote sustainable working conditions in academia. The survey is conducted by researchers. The survey will stay open until late August. The help and support we ask of you, is that you encourage participation: Spread the word about the STAIRCASE Survey among your colleagues, students, and peers. Encourage them to participate and share their valuable insights to shape the future of academia. This can be done by forwarding this email to your members, by sharing and liking the SoME posts Eurodoc and ReMO will be posting over the summer, or by creating your own SoME campaign - if you plan to do the latter, you are more than welcome to check out the SoME campaign we have prepared (with the help of ReMO) in Eurodoc - you find it here.